Our Background

The European Technology and Training Centre (ETTC) was opened by the German Foreign Minister Dr. Frank Walter Steinmeier in February 2009.One year later the Vocational Training Centre (VTC) was opened with support from the British Government and started to provide training for returnees and local job seekers.
The ETTC was founded as an implementing organization of a German NGO, active in Iraq since 2005.
The ETTC is an independent, locally based and internationally oriented organization, registered as a non-profit nongovernmental organization in KRG.
Since 2009 the ETTC has contributed to the democratic and economic development
of the Kurdish Region by providing development and migration projects and offering a wide range of training,
workshops and other events, mainly in cooperation with international partners.
ISO 9001:2015
ETTC Implemented Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015) according to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and certified by an International German company GUTcert on 3rd October 2019, to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide services that meet customer, regulatory requirements and to demonstrate continuous improvement.
ISO Certificate in English
ISO Certificate in German
The management activities of the ETTC are observed
by a Board of international experts.
The CEO of the ETTC is Mr. Jihad Zero, from Iraq, who has been with the ETTC since the beginning and who has past work experience with different kinds of international NGOs and the United Nations.
The chairperson of the Board is Dr. Dirk Jankowski, CEO of a German engineering company from Bavaria and Manager of a building-safety project in Erbil and his deputy is Mr. Gary Kent, Director in the UK of the all party parliamentary group on the Kurdistan Region, third board member is Mr. Volker Wildner, former head of the German Liaison Office for Trade and Industry in Erbil and fourth board member is a former Swedish Ambassador Jan Axel Nordlander a Diplomat in the Middle East and Asia.
Based on this structure the ETTC is able to provide proper, well-monitored, and well-evaluated services to the reintegration and Development projects.
In Germany, the ETTC is supported by the ETTC e.V. Germany, an association of people who are deeply interested in the development of the KRG and the ETTC.
ETTC, Germany e. V.
Mission and Code of Conduct
Mission Statement
Our organization operates as an international non-profit organization in the fields of migration, consultancy, training, employment and business promotion and international cooperation development. ETTC aims to develop and offer programs and solutions that will increase individual’s opportunities while at the same time also creating social and economic benefits to their countries.
The development and management of projects for the promotion of human resources constitute our core competencies – in particular projects that link employers, training institutions and the business world within developing countries like Iraq and with industrial countries. In cooperation with our partners in several countries and with partner organizations on the spot, we provide and guarantee necessary practical footing needed for the work on projects and programs and for a performance quality management.
We are
- oriented towards the demand of the different target groups of job seekers, returnees, public institutions, and private companies.
- cost-efficient and effective due to a combination of instruments and methods considering the country-specific background.
Vision Statement
Our aim is to be:
- Known for high-quality outcomes
- Known for effectively contributing to the welfare of the community by increasing employment, economic growth , social peace and technological progress
We express our values by
- Respect to other interest and opinion
- Trust into people`s creativity
- Extended knowledge about our project approach
- Flexible adaption to changing requirements
Code of Conduct Policy
This policy affirms ETTC belief in responsible social and ethical behavior from all employees. This policy clarifies the standards of behavior that ETTC expects of all employees.
Our employees contribute to the success of our organization and that of our clients. ETTC fully endorse that all employees and clients are not deprived of their basic human rights.
Furthermore, our employees have an obligation to our clients and themselves to observe high standards of integrity and fair dealing. Unlawful and unethical business practices undermine employee and client trust.
Our Code of Conduct policy applies to all employees and provides the framework of principles for conducting business, dealing with other employees, clients and suppliers. The Code of Conduct does not replace legislation and if any part of it is in conflict, then legislation takes precedence. This policy is based on the following:
- Act and maintain a high standard of integrity and professionalism
- Be responsible and scrupulous in the proper use of Company information, funds, equipment and facilities
- Be considerate and respectful of the environment
- Exercise fairness, equality, courtesy, consideration, and sensitivity in dealing with other employees, clients and suppliers
- Avoid apparent conflict of interests, promptly disclosing to an ETTC senior manager, any interest which may constitute a conflict of interest
- Promote the interests of ETTC
- Perform duties with skill, honesty, care, and diligence
- Abide by policies, procedures and lawful directions that relate to your employment with ETTC and/or our Clients
- Avoid the perception that any business transaction may be influenced by offering or accepting gifts
- Under no circumstances may employees offer or accept money
- Any employee, who in good faith, raises a complaint or discloses an alleged breach of the Code, whilst following correct reporting procedures, will not be disadvantaged or prejudiced. All reports will be dealt with in a timely and confidential manner.
ETTC expects co-operation from all employees in conducting themselves in a professional, ethical and socially acceptable manner of the highest standards.
Any employee in breach of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.
Should an employee have doubts about any aspect of the Code of Conduct, they must seek clarification from the Human Resource Manager or CEO of ETTC.
This policy will be regularly reviewed by ETTC and any necessary changes will be implemented by the Representative for Quality management.
Human rights
- We treat our staff, clients and stakeholders equally and do not allow to make any differences due to ethnic , religious, gender , family and cultural background of a person.
- We respect the right for freedom of opinion for staff and clients
- We follow the principles of rule of law
- We endeavour to provide support to poor and disadvantaged people in particular and inform them about their rights
- We carry out trainings for governmental staff in fields of rule of law, anti- corruption strategies and anti-discrimination due to religion and ethnic or gender
- We provide continuously training to our staff about human rights
The safeguards and gender strategy of our organization is focused on projects and activities to improve livelihood and to protect people and environment from being harmed.
We regard the safeguard and gender management as a fundamental part of our quality management system and the certification according ISO 9001/2015.
Gender issues
- by creating equal chances for our beneficiaries, not dependent on gender
- by avoiding gender based discrimination
- by guaranteeing equal career chances for all employees
- by identifying the potential adverse impacts and risks of gender-based exclusion that can occur in a project and to adopt the necessary measures to prevent, avoid or mitigate them
- by guaranteeing that the needs and perspectives of men and women are taken into account in all project activities
Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Bullying
ETTC is committed to providing a workplace free from discrimination, sexual harassment, and bullying. Behavior that constitutes discrimination, sexual harassment or bullying will not be tolerated and will lead to action being taken, which may include dismissal.
Environmental protection
- by analysing the impact of our projects on the environment and climate before starting a project
- by reducing power consumption in our facilities through using new technologies
- by reducing waste, in particular plastic waste
- by educating staff and clients about environmental protection
- by planting new trees
Conflict Sensitivity
Due to our understanding that any project in conflict regions like Iraq has an impact on the peace and conflict environment
we contribute
- to develop the ability of ETTC staff to react sensitively to conflicts
- by analysing the context of a potential conflict
- by understanding the interaction between intervention and context
- by acting to minimize negative impacts and maximize positive effects of projects for beneficiaries and environment
Anti-Corruption and Bribery
The Board of Directors has adopted a policy for the prevention of corruption and bribery in activities of ETTC.
In this Code of Conduct we explain what we expect from each employee and the management in relation to this policy.
The management has to adopt a clear policy of compliance with existing laws against any form of corruption and bribery in their activities and emphasis its support for employees whose actions actively enforce this policy.
They have to put in place a set of comprehensive management procedures dealing with all aspects of preventing and discovering corruption and bribery.
Personal Responsibility:
As an employee of ETTC it is your personal responsibility to actively work to prevent corruption and bribery in our activities.
Our Partners, contractors and service providers are aware of our policy and procedures.
ETTC Purposes
Capacity Building
Capacity building measures for governmental and non-governmental structures to promote good governance, a democratic culture and the respect for human rights.
Humanitarian Aid activities
Provision of emergency support measures for conflict victims such as IDP`s and refugees and encouragement of integration and qualification measures for vulnerable groups.
Promotion of intercultural relations
Promotion of intercultural relations, in particular with sensitivity to the perspective of minorities and prevention of violent conflicts.
Environment care
Encouraging responsible use of natural resources and care for the environment, including disaster awareness.
Good governance
Improvement of competencies, good governance and the rule of law of public and private management
Business Start-up Developments
Supporting the development of enterprises and business start-ups, job placement, adapted training and counselling.
Promoting Employment Organisation and implementation of measures
To promote employment, with the target to improve the chances of job seekers, including returnees to Iraq, in employment.
Human Resources Measures
for capacity-building in human resource development.
International Standards for adult education
Supporting the development of international recognized standards for adult education/qualification measures.
Qualification measures Organisation and implementation of qualification measures
with the goal of improving the quality of management structures and the chances of job seekers in employment.
Technology Transfer
Supporting the organisation and implementation of conferences, meetings, workshops to enhance technology transfer between European and local enterprises.